OUR EXPERTISE                       CONTACT              

Boris Kesler

His background

Boris Kesler has been passionate about new technologies and robotics since childhood. He created 3 companies related to these sectors: MT Robotics, Lepiq and Maintool.

After selling the last one and as he approached fatherhood, he felt the need to prepare his daughter, and all children, for tomorrow’s world with Winky the robot and the Winkyverse, Mainbot’s first edutainment metaverse

His commitments

Transparency in communication and decision making.
Strong commitment to the education of children (and adults)
Eco-responsibility in all aspects of the company and its projects
Respect of diversity both as an employer and in the choice of our partners.

Our committee of external experts

Talents from all backgrounds share their expertise with us.

Anne Lalou 

is the dean of the Web School Factory and the executive director of Innovation Factory.

Anne Lalou 

is the dean of the Web School Factory and the executive director of Innovation Factory.

Yannig Raffenel  

is the former Educational Director of Open Classroom. He is currently the President of EdTech France.

     Yannig Raffenel

is the former Educational Director of Open Classroom. He is currently the President of EdTech France.

Hervé Larren  

is a board member of Yuga Labs & Horizen Labs.

Hervé Larren  

is a board member of Yuga Labs & Horizen Labs.

Jérôme le Grand 

is a former Managing Director Europe Disney Consumer Product.

     Jérôme le Grand

is a former Managing Director Europe Disney Consumer Product.

Yves Saada 

is a former VP of Digital at The Pokémon Company International.

Yves Saada 

is a former VP of Digital at The Pokémon Company International

Pierre Ortolan  

is the Chairman of Asmodee Digital.

     Pierre Ortolan

is the Chairman of Asmodee Digital.




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