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Following the success of Winky with the general public, Mainbot intends to expand the possibilities for its educational robot by putting it at the service of learning programming in schools. It is with this in mind that Mainbot is now joining forces with Vittascience to offer teachers a simple, ready-to-use and easy to access solution.
With the common objective of making digital programming accessible from an early age, Mainbot and Vittascience, two French start-ups supported by the State and the Ministry of National Education, have decided to combine their forces in the service of education with on the one hand, the Winky robot, created in France, to help children learn programming while having fun, and on the other hand, the Vittascience platform which brings together tools around programming for students and teachers of schools and high schools.
Winky thus becomes available today for all students and teachers, for purchase and also, in virtual format thanks to the interfaces offered on the Vittascience website. It is now possible to simply program all of Winky’s sensors and effectors, to see the result immediately on a 3D simulator, before running the program on the robot itself. This solution allows students to first practice on the simulator before testing the programming on the robot, making it easier for teachers to supervise the exercises and also making it possible to limit the number of robots needed per class.
“Until now, learning programming with Winky was accessible to young people through our fun tablet application Winky Code. With Vittascience, Winky can now be used easily by students aged 6 to 15 and over, ranging from an introduction to programming and robotics, to advanced use of the robot’s sensors and programming in Python,” says Boris Kesler, founder and CEO of Mainbot.
For Léo Briand, founder and CEO of Vittascience: “Vittascience’s objective is to make computer programming accessible to everyone. We are delighted to add the Winky robot to the platform, this versatile robot has great educational potential. We have also developed a 3D simulator to allow users to program their Winky even if they do not have it with them. We can’t wait to see students and teachers using Winky with Vittascience in their classroom! ”
The Winky robot is available for purchase on Vittascience for teachers at the price of €249.90 including tax.